Corbett’s gifts spur ethics complaint

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE Column: …Let’s give Corbett the benefit of the doubt. He has a track record of being an honest man. Still, why would Corbett take the gifts? He is a former state and federal prosecutor. He actually took $28,424 in gifts but the complaint filers discounted $10,000 or so because there was no tie to state government.

Why take gifts, such as World Series shirts worth $200 each, transportation, dinners, a Broadway show, premium tickets to the Philadelphia Academy of Music, Phillies tickets and a free yacht vacation?

Isn’t there an appearance of conflict or impropriety? Does being governor just entitle you to perks? Even if you reject arguments against taking gifts on an ethical level, there’s the practical political consideration. You leave yourself open to attack, just as is happening now.… (more)

EDITOR: The small amount he received personally is dwarfed by the millions parties seeking favors (Marcellus Shale interests; Jerry Sandusky’s Second Mile Foundation board members) have donated to his campaign funds.

The ‘slow walk’ of Sandusky and failure to properly tax Marcellus Shale extraction are the real scandals.
