Corbett offers fresh defense of length of Sandusky probe


…Corbett was Pennsylvania’s Attorney General, and gearing up for a run for governor, when the case was referred to his office in early 2009.

In 2011, after his inauguration as governor, the pace of the Sandusky probe accelerated. Corbett critics have attributed that to political staging, so the delicate Penn State case would not surface during his gubernatorial campaign.

Sandusky, who was convicted Friday on charges of molesting 10 boys over a 14-yar-period, was arrested Nov. 5, 2011…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Yeah, so “delicate” that a jury found Sandusky guilty on 45 accounts in one week’s time. Meanwhile Sandusky was allowed to go unchallenged and undeterred for over two years.

An article by Bill Keisling on the conviction and Tom Corbett’s roles both as attorney general and later governor will appear here within the next couple of weeks.
