Corbett faulted in Sandusky probe pace


Democratic Attorney General candidate Kathleen Kane said on Friday that Gov. Tom Corbett, as the former top state prosecutor, started an “understaffed” investigation that took three years to get sexual predator Jerry Sandusky “off the streets.”…

Kane questioned whether Corbett’s political aspirations affected the pace of the case. Sandusky and two Penn State administrations were charged a little more than 10 months after he was elected governor in November 2010. In particular, she questioned the use of a statewide grand jury, which meets one week per month…

“I’m speaking as someone who has prosecuted child molesters and sexual predators,” said Kane. “My priority would have been to get Jerry Sandusky off the streets and prevent him from continuing to molest children. Instead, Governor Corbett started an understaffed investigation that took three years to get Sandusky off the streets.”

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  1. What would you expect a democratic AG candidate to say about a republican governor? Do you think we are total morons?

  2. What she stated is true of most states when it comes to prosecution of crimes against children. What was a one day investigation in which a child was found credible and a caseworker found Sandusky to exhibit behaviors of a child sex predator would have normally resulted in an immediate arrest, instead 3 years later, a grand jury indictment focusing on PSU admin. instead of Sandusky. Corbett should be ashamed.

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