Corbett again targets colleges


Gov. Corbett’s proposed state budget could be a prescription for disaster for higher education in Pennsylvania.

The total $27.13 billion spending plan would avoid tax increases, but deeply cut funds for most state colleges and universities.

Three of the four state-related universities – Temple, Penn State, and the University of Pittsburgh – would take the biggest hits, about a 30 percent cut each. Only Lincoln University among that group would not see a reduction; its funding would remain at the current-year level of $11.1 million…

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1 Comment

  1. Isn’t it strange that the governor is so adamant in keeping his “no new taxes” pledge but conviently overlooks some of his broken pledges! And reducing funds to our largest resourse, our youth, while catering to the Macellus Shale industry shows his true colors, a politician to the end.

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