Convention Center 2013 budget forecasts $1,239,166 loss

by Christiaan Hart-Nibbrig

The red ink for the Lancaster County Convention Center will continue to spill in 2013, according to the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority (LCCCA) budget, which was passed at the LCCCA’s regular board meeting on October 25th.

The meeting was attended by no members of the public.

The numbers for the 2013 LCCCA budget are as follows:

Convention Center Operating Revenue: $1,652,439

Convention Center Operating Expenses: $2,444,953

Net Operating Loss: ( $792,514)
LCCCA Administrative Expenses – $446,652

Net Loss (total): ($1,239,166)

A LCCCA board member commented to NewsLanc after the meeting, on condition of anonymity, “It would be interesting to know how much Penn Square Partners and High Associates are benefiting on an annual basis because of the agreements being structured in their favor.”

The board member added: “It could be more than a million dollars.”


1 Comment

  1. It’s time to ditch the anonymity. It’s time to call a spade a spade. It’s time to call out PSP. Not one authority member anonymously but ALL authority members by name including Chairman Fry and Exec. Director Molloy.

    It’s time to back the Martin Plan because it is the only plan that asks for real money from PSP. It’s time to take the gloves off.

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