Congressman Joe Sestak will only run for the US Senate

According to a report from a Harrisburg news agency, “Congressman Joe Sestak is running for the United States Senate, and will be filing petitions as a candidate only for that office.”

This may seem surprising given the overwhelming endorsement of Sen. Arlen Specter by the state Democratic Committee this past weekend, but apparently Sestak considers the voting to have reflected more loyalty on the part of the committee people to the commitments made to Specter by the Obama Administration when he switched parties and less a reflection of their private sentiments and the wishes of the public come primary day.

Sestak, a former three star admiral and two term congressman from Montgomery County, believes that he will gain rapidly on the eighty-year old Specter as his name and military record become better known.

When Specter bucked the Republican State Committee in 1980, he squeaked through the primary due to his greater name recognition. Can he do it again as a Democrat?


1 Comment

  1. If you want to elect a man that does not read the bills to another six years go for it. Arlen has not been any good since he came up with the Kennedy one bullet theory.

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