LETTER: Concerning the Goldman Sachs settlement

The best hour of news every day is DemocracyNow.org.  You can watch their daily show anytime during the day.  It is live at 8 AM eastern time.

Today they are covering the Goldman Sachs settlement, which was a great deal for Goldman despite the effort by the SEC to spin it as a great victory (Goldman steals a billion, is fined $350 million and no one goes to jail, in fact their  stock value went up by more than $350 million after the deal was announced).

But the story that really is worth paying attention to, because no one else is, is the second interview over how Goldman brought the price of wheat up by ten times its normal value and leveraged that into a trillion dollars to play with in casino-type day trading.  Of course, their were food riots and starvation around the world as a result of wheat becoming more expensive.  This is a great example of concentrated financial power and the extreme negative impacts it has around the world.

I think of all the work that people do to try and deal with world poverty and then think of the intentional acts of Goldman to vastly increase the price so they can create a big pool of cash to gamble with even though it starves millions (probably one billion people suffered food insecurity because of Goldman) and it is just sickening.
