Concerning Lou Dobbs’ resignation

He said he was “weighing options”. If he was quitting, he would have weighed his options before he left. He obviously was asked to leave.

Good for CNN. I agree with Jon Stewart, that they’re offering an awfully shallow product, and the ratings indicate that I’m not the only one. They not only trail Fox, MSNBC and CNBC, but they trail Headline News as well.

Right now, with their reliance on twitter, they seem to be a third-rate “People Magazine” of the air, but if they returns to their roots, and becomes an actual news channel, they might actually once again become successful. The majority of the population is neither Republican nor Democrat. They don’t want the partisanship of Faux News or MSNBC. They claim to want straight news. And if they are right, they still have time to redeem themselves before Bloomberg or BBC-America claims their old territory.

[Editor’s note: We wish we had said the above!]



  1. I personally think LOU DOBBS was the best news commentator on TV.

  2. What the people want, CNN cannot provide. I enjoy much more than I enjoy CNN TV, which isn’t stating a whole lot. I don’t want to listen to Beltway Insiders and strategists spouting the talking points. All the news channels are relying on the insiders for the news, and thus they don’t do any real investigative journalism.

    Ratings aren’t a measure of the quality of the news you are getting, its a measure of the entertainment. FOX News does well for the same reasons Real Housewives does well.

    If any Cable news channel really wants to call itself news, then they need to start investigating their own news instead of getting “the news” from the insiders, op-eds, etc.

  3. Good for Lou, far to good a personality to be associated with CNN. He was the only show I watched on any channel other than FOX. Proves that the Scoialist propoganda arm of the Federal Administration just do not get it either. This will gaurantee the ashheap for the so called news network. Political correct and dead……

  4. Lou was not a main stream puppet and he was stepping on a lot of toes. He will be missed by many people for telling news his way. CNN is one of the governments news puppets. That is why no one is watching the news on CNN. People know its not reporting, but always twisting it to the government view. Just look at the panels on Wolfe Blitzer. Lou was not allowed to bring his radio panel together, it was to honest for CNN. Lou won’t be gone for long.

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