Commissioners Lease Ground, Refuse Free Ground

Reading online the Lancaster news it is interesting that the proposed site for the forensic center will be on leased ground from Lancaster General Hospital. While, to be honest, it sounds like a reasonable location, once again government will cost us lease money and the ground will never be owned by the county…

The past board of county commissioners had a property that was being given to them for $1.00—basically FREE. The current board of commissioners changed that and wanted to look on their own. Okay, now we have NO property and we will be paying for the lease every month/year. I do not think that was a fiscally sound decision.

Where is the accountability from the news? The article was quite small—and while I do not know how it was placed in the paper I would be surprised if it was front page bold headlines: Commissioners Spending Tax Payer Money to Lease Ground, Refuse Free Ground.
