Commissioners accept no credit for Solanco Trail resolution

NewsLanc interviewed Commissioner Scott Martin concerning the good news in the Feb 5th New Era that “Entire Solanco rail line will open to public.”

The former rail line easement and future hiking and biking trail extends 23 miles from east to west across the southern portion of the county.

Martin said that All three commissioners had committed on the campaign trail that “a rail trail would be nice but the people in that area and their elected officials had to arrange it.”

He said that they made clear that they were not going to “iron fist” or “ram rod” or “big brother.”

According to Martin, some were enthusiastic about the trail, some luke-warm, and some had reservations. “Over the course of time, after going through a process, inter municipal cooperation began to show.”

The commissioner indicated there was no County point person involved. Martin insisted “We let them know that we were as a resource if they wanted it. They responded on their own and pulled it together.”
