Commissioner Martin To Not Seek Re-Election In 2015


In 2007, I announced my intention to run for Lancaster County Commissioner. I laid out my vision to make county government as effective and efficient as possible and to restore stable, effective and controversy-free leadership to the courthouse. I promised to tackle the tough issues. I was honored to receive the endorsement and support of the Republican Committee of Lancaster County and the voters of our county to make that vision a reality.

When running for this office originally, nobody expected the Great Recession of 2008. The recession had an impact on the families of this county and it was our job to make tough decisions and have county government live within its means while providing services to those that truly needed it.

We engaged in efficiency reviews of our departments searching for duplication of services, and the elimination of unnecessary bureaucracy or waste. We shrunk county government by eliminating six different departments, privatizing functions for cost-savings, combining some departments and reducing the workforce.

I’m very proud of our efforts to not engage in budget gimmicks and one-time budget plugs. Instead, many decisions were made to bend the long-term cost curve to reduce future liabilities. We are already seeing those decisions paying off, especially with our reforms to public employee health care. The annual CAFR (audited financial report) shows the positive impact of those strong fiscal controls.

Four years later in 2011, with the support of the Republican Committee of Lancaster County and winning the confirmation of the voters, I was entrusted to continue to implement the vision that was originally laid out. We’ve tackled long-term capital project issues by bringing the long-awaited Radio Project to fruition the right way, getting the 150 N. Queen St. Project under control, as well as cleaned up the capital needs left by the sale of Conestoga View, such as a new morgue.

We’ve closed, consolidated and disposed of buildings and bridges and implemented a Bridge Capital Improvement Plan that continues to address structurally-deficient bridges and preserves historic ones. We also negotiated and restructured the Convention Center Financing plan to save millions in interest costs for the Authority and prevent the property tax payers of this county from being responsible for $60 million dollars of default payments. I have always fought for the values important to the great people of Lancaster County.

Whether it has been saying no to higher taxes on struggling families and businesses, challenging public sector union processes and its impact on local governments or presiding over the Pennsylvania Republican County Commissioners Caucus over the last seven years, I took great pride in stepping into the arena to get the job done. This county continues to be a leader, not only in the cause of limited government and low taxation, but also high-quality, state and nationally-recognized services and a commitment to public safety. We still maintain unemployment averages well below the state and national average and continue to draw new businesses, attractions and jobs to this great county. The work towards good government is never over, but we have laid a solid fiscal and service foundation.

As I look back over the last seven years, I am so grateful to have been able to work with so many wonderful individuals that have served as row officers and judges, as well as so many wonderful county employees. My fellow commissioners, our management team and the staff in the commissioners office has been a pleasure to work with and truly did their jobs professionally and with integrity. With the many responsibilities of county government, it takes a team to implement a vision. Needless to say, I’m proud of the teamwork utilized by all of these individuals to get the job done. That includes working with those in the State and Federal delegation. We’ve all worked together for the benefit of the citizens of this county.

In 2007, the challenges were obvious. Those challenges have been met and we must continue to be stewards of the foundation that has been laid. For me, I have found great satisfaction in answering that call and serving the people of this county. Throughout my life, I have thrived in looking for new challenges to take on. After much discussion with my family, I will not be seeking a third term as commissioner. Though I’m eager to tackle many things during my last year in office, I’m ready to take on new challenges.

I’ve been blessed with a wonderfully supportive family and friends for which I am grateful. I am also grateful for the support and confidence of the Republican Committee of Lancaster County and most importantly, the voters of this great county that entrusted me to work on their behalf. This was a team effort and we got it done, together.

It’s been a true honor to serve the people of Lancaster County.

Thank you!

All the best,

Scott Martin Lancaster County Commissioner



  1. How convenient for him to decide not to run again….no way he would be re-elected after leaving Lancaster County taxpayers held hostage to PSP/LCCCA . GOOD BYE!!!

    EDITOR: Good bye commissioner. Hello congressman?

  2. Why would we want him as a Congressman….He’s done enough damage on the local level…I shudder to think what he would foist upon us from higher up.

  3. I think we should all thank the current three commissioners for their efforts over the past 7 years. By eliminating the plethora of redundancy taking place at the county and adopting a zero tolerance towards the misuse of tax payer funds, all three commissioners deserve a round of applause for working so well together.

    I believe Scott Martin has a real opportunity to be our next congressman and anyone eagerly rejecting Mr. Martin’s qualifications is either not paying attention or was let go from the county because your job was redundant or obsolete.

    Leaders make tough decisions. Quoting Edmund Burke, “When the leaders choose to make themselves bidders at an auction of popularity, their talents, in the construction of the state, will be of no service. They will become flatterers instead of legislators; the instruments, not the guides, of the people.”

    Many thanks to Commissioner Martin for being a guide!

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