COMMENTARY: Who was Kristian’s passenger and what were they doing?

Was it arrogance or was it fear of discovery of the identity of his passenger that caused Kristian Armstrong to flee by driving through a cornfield on Dec. 1 after first denying to a deputy game warden that he had a rifle in his car and subsequently refusing to identify his passenger or give his middle name?

The Intelligencer Journal articles do not say who the passenger actually was. Nor is their any information as to whether an attempt was made by authorities to identify and cite that individual for refusing to identify him /herself.

Did District Attorney Craig Stedman avert his eyes while Kristian flouted the political justice system?

Did Senator Armstrong await the disposition of the case by the court before speaking out because he feared the court might demand that Kristian identify the passenger?

Or is this simply a case of a person having one more of a history of belligerent encounters with authorities?
