Colorado and Washington vote to legalize marijuana for recreational use

FOX NEWS:  Colorado and Washington vote to legalize marijuana for recreational use(RNN) – It’s not medical marijuana. It’s not decriminalization. It’s completely legal pot – and voters in Colorado and Washington decided they would become the first states in the country to legalize and regulate marijuana for recreational use, ushering in a huge victory for drug law reform advocates.

The new laws differ in each state, but the cores are the same and will legalize the recreational use of marijuana for people 21 and over, require a hefty tax on each sale, and enforce strict DUI laws.

“The victories in Colorado and Washington are of historic significance not just for Americans but for all countries debating the future of marijuana prohibition in their own countries,” said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA). “This is now a mainstream issue, with citizens more or less divided on the issue but increasingly inclined to favor responsible regulation of marijuana over costly and ineffective prohibitionist policies.”… (more)

EDITOR: For the publisher, this is the vindication of  25 years of efforts in overcoming lies, myths and special interests that brought us a second curse of national prohibition.  No one did more;  at least 25 deserve to say the same.  Incidentally, except for a one time draft (and like Bill Clinton he did not inhale) he never smoked marijuana.  He prefers alcohol and caffeine.



  1. Congratulations and ALLELUIA!

  2. It’s definitely an idea whose time has come.

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