Cloak of anonymity will hamper full evaluation of Freeh report

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS OP-ED: …As events unfolded in 2011 and 2012, the PSU Board of Trustees engaged the services of former FBI director Louis Freeh to conduct an independent investigation into the circumstances surrounding this sad chapter in our school’s history – so that steps could be taken to prevent anything remotely similar from ever happening again…

To that end, President Barron has asked attorneys to “redact” or “withhold” information that would reveal interviewees’ identity. It is understandable that Dr. Barron believes individual confidentiality is important. We too are sensitive to the subject, but believe that getting to the complete truth outweighs the importance of individual confidentiality.

On the surface such confidentiality appears well intentioned. Yet if interviewee identity is withheld, no one can accurately assess the quality of the testimony and we can never know how Freeh weighed such testimony… (more)
