Clinton raises prospect of ‘regional conflict’ over Iran


Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, has warned of the risk of regional conflict if new United Nations sanctions are not imposed on Tehran’s nuclear programme, telling the Financial Times that “ignoring the threat posed by Iran will put the world in a more precarious position within six months to a year”.

Senior Pentagon officials last week said Iran could develop enough fissile material for a bomb within a year, although it would probably take three to five years for Tehran to develop a serviceable weapon.

In the interview, conducted last week, Mrs Clinton called for sanctions “as soon as feasible” in the face of scepticism from China, Turkey and Brazil.

“What’s the alternative?” she asked. “The alternative is to permit them to continue pursuing nuclear weapons, either actual production or full capacity, which will trigger an arms race among their neighbours and would put one of the most volatile regions in the world at risk and could even trigger a conflict. And I don’t believe that that’s a chance worth taking.”…

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