Clinton, Carter Blast ‘War on Drugs’ in Documentary

NEWSMAX:  Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter say in a new documentary that America’s “War on Drugs” has been a failure.

“If all you do is try to find a police or military solution to the problem, a lot of people die and it doesn’t solve the problem,” Clinton says in the documentary, “Breaking the Taboo,” which debuts on Friday.

“It hasn’t worked.”

“Taboo” chronicles 40 years of the nation’s battle against drugs, according to U.S. News & World Report. Narrated by Morgan Freeman, it praises Clinton and others who “have had the guts to change their minds.”…  (more)

EDITOR: Lest anyone read too much into Carter and Clinton being Democrats, our experience in the drug policy reform and harm reduction movements was that it is evenly divided between liberals and conservatives.  For example, what banker approves of property seizure? What Libertarian supports the war on drugs?  Note that conservative NewsMax led with this article.



1 Comment

  1. Is History Catching with the Drug War?

    In an uncannily quick response to questions raised recently in this blog, two ex-US Presidents raised fundamental questions of their own about the drug policy both had supported during their combined 12 years in office.

    It would have been even better if they had zeroed in on federal dishonesty, the policy’s most basic flaw , but the fact that they are unmistakeably putting the kind of pressure on the current incumbent so soon after his re-election is huge, if for no other reason than it will make it more difficult for our fickle media to indulge in their usual trivializing pot jokes. “Taboo” is on my list of must-see TV shows this week

    Doctor Tom

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