Clergyman: America needs politics, not ‘politricks’

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Op Ed:   …America is inundated more than ever before with dirty politics, which some of us have come to call “politricks.” We only need to look at our state Capitol, where numerous sitting and former lawmakers have gone to jail for breaking the law… 

In politricks, those who cheat sometimes win elections. Back-room deals become the norm. We need more public servants instead of politicians. Politicians vote themselves pay raises late at night (as Pennsylvania’s lawmakers did in 2005), while the rest of us are laid off, become the victims of downsized corporations, are trapped in minimum wage jobs or stand in lines for unemployment benefits…

Some politicians are willing to sink a ship (whether it is a city, state or nation) just to get to the captain (who might be of another political party or ideology). When a president, governor or mayor fails, then a nation, state or city fails. We should be more concerned with our elected officials succeeding, even if we didn’t vote for them, rather than doing any and everything to pull them down just so our person can get into office. ..  (more)
