‘Clearing’ of Lancaster Square East might have happened with a bang

When officials of the City of Lancaster refuse to talk with the media concerning Lancaster Square East, it is necessary to turn to other sources.

Over recent months we learned from an authoritative source that the bomb fuse making at the Bulova Building put downtown Lancaster in considerable jeopardy. A mishap could have accelerated the redevelopment of the area in a nanosecond.

Now the latest information concerns the long term implication of hazardous residues from the bomb fuse making. The structure in itself seems to defy utilization or conversion. Environmental problems may now add to the dilemma.

We held off reporting on this until after the mayoral election.

Mayor Rick Gray asserts that negotiations concerning Lancaster Square East in general and the Bulova Building in particular must be carried out in secret. But perhaps a proper airing of the issues might in the long run produce better results.


1 Comment

  1. Typical secretive ‘behind closed doors’ Lancaster city….only the power elite (led by LNP and PSP) feel they have a ‘right to know’.

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