Claims Rupert Murdoch violated Foreign Corrupt Practice Act

The Foreign Corrupt Practice Act is becoming an issue because Rupert and James Murdoch and their company, News Corp, are under investigation for violating the law by bribing police in the U.K. to tape phones of hundreds of people including government officials, the royal family, a kidnap victim, families of killed soldiers and others. I was the first to call for an investigation, which was quickly joined by members of Congress when the scandal heated up and finally an FBI investigation was agreed to by the Department of Justice. There are indications that the same practices as well as hacking into email accounts have been part of their “business plan” in the United States. Murdoch has given $1 million to the Chamber of Commerce for a campaign to end the FCPA.

Here’s the letter I sent to both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Security and Exchange Commission and the press release about it. We’ve also sent a letter asking that the investigation include the donation to the Chamber of Commerce as an effort to obstruct and undermine the FCPA investigation.

