Civil Rights Group For The Obese Comes To Chris Christie’s Defense

HUFF POST:  One of the leading civil rights organizations working to end discrimination against the obese is taking up the defense of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie amid growing commentary that his weight could pose a problem for his presidential ambitions.

Peggy Howell, the public relations director of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, called the discussion around Christie a “ridiculous” effort to stigmatize the obese and distract from the governor’s actual politics.

“I see it as a tactic to try and take attention away from his accomplishments and instead focus on his body size,” she said. “Do people have a bias against President Obama because he smokes? Why should there be any difference in supporting a leader who smokes cigarettes or a leader who has a little extra weight on his body? Neither are perceived to be healthy choices.” …  (more)

EDITOR:  Christie has much to lose and little to gain by entering the presidential race.  Each day it appears more that Mitt Romney will be the Republican candidate, and a formidable one at that.
