City’s priorities are completely out of whack,

I believe that the “adequacy issues” of fire protection in the city have been “put on the table” by the firefighters through their recent public outreach efforts.

While I see where the above commenter is coming from with the pointed statements about our current financial woes and the root causes of such, I believe that the commenter misses the point brought up by the firefighters that not only have they offered many concessions, they have been the only city workgroup targeted by the administration for cutbacks.

No other city department has seen layoffs, no other city department has been pressured to work longer hours for no additional pay, no other city department has stopped all training, no other city department has stopped hiring. In fact, at this very moment the city is hiring a Water Plant Operator II, a “Labor Supervisor II” and a custodian. Are we really to believe that these jobs are more important than fire protection?

Just a few days ago NewsLanc posted a report about 4 city workers filling a single pothole, and we’re going to hire another “supervisor” in that same department?

If you read the information on the firefighter’s website , you can clearly see the disconnect between what is universally accepted as “adequate” fire protection and what the city provides for its citizens. Here’s a hint: we’re getting 1/2 of the firefighters we should be. Rick Gray and Tim Gregg’s answer? Let outside agencies come into the city. In other words, let people in Manheim Township, Lancaster Township, East Lampeter Township and other surrounding areas foot the bill so Lancaster can have a public works director making $110K, a “chief of staff” for the mayor making $70K, and a few more “labor supervisor II’s.”

This city’s priorities are completely out of whack, and our mayor and his staff have themselves so wrapped up in their own hubris to even acknowledge that a problem exists.
