City Still Has Too Much Litter

As part of the City’s involvement in Keep Lancaster County Beautiful, the Bureau of Solid Waste & Recycling and our Neighborhood Revitalization Unit conducted a “litter index” last month, Mayor Rick Gray reported.

Use of the litter index on an annual basis can help track overall progress in reducing litter.

The process involves a tour of 37 miles of streets in every neighborhood, and a ranking of streets on a scale of 1 to 4. A score of 1 means the area is virtually litter free and a score of 4 means the area is extremely littered.

Overall, the City received a score of 2.15.

“Sad, but not surprising, litter is highest in areas located in close proximity to commercial establishments,” Mayor Gray added.

Also, Lancaster will install twenty-three litter receptacles in strategic locations in the Northeast quadrant next week.

These trash receptacles are being “adopted” by property owners who have agreed to empty the receptacles at least once a week.

Additional locations are currently being considered near Manor and King Streets.

City officials are also evaluating the surrounding neighborhoods in the southwest area for placement of 30 trash receptacles available for “adoption” by property owners.

Another City-wide litter index will be conducted in the fall.
