Christie: I’d Consider a VP Run With Romney


Chris Christie, New Jersey’s first-term Republican governor, said he’d consider a request from Mitt Romney to become his vice presidential running mate, if the former chief executive of Massachusetts were to ask.

Christie, 49, said voters in his party are “shopping around” for the best challenger to face President Barack Obama in the general election in November. His comments came in response to questions about the primary race between Romney, 64, and challengers including Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania.

“They’re going to come back to Mitt Romney as the Republican nominee and then he’s going to have a battle on his hands with the president this fall,” Christie told host Steve Adubato today during a “Christie on the Line” broadcast on public television and radio stations from Montclair State University…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Smart from the get go.  Christie as a vice-presidential candidate benefits, win or lose.    If he wins, he has a potential two terms to hone his skills.  If he loses, he has developed ‘name recognition’, developed valuable contacts on a national level throughout the party,  and will be the leading Republican candidate in four years when they don’t  face President Barack Obama.
