Charlie Smithgall’s plans for Lancaster’s future

NewsLanc posed two questions to incumbent mayor Rick Gray and former mayor Charlie Smithgall, with answers to be published over consecutive weeks.

1) What were your six most important achievements during your terms as mayor? (Answers to be published this week.)

2) What achievements do you seek to accomplish if elected to another term? (Answers to be published next week.)

Despite several reminders, Gray chose to ignore the requests.

Below is Smithgall’s response:

1. Revitalize the East Side of Lancaster Square with residential and commercial properties.

2. Improve Neighborhoods via my Homestead Lancaster plan

3. Improve Public Safety – By restoring neighborhood policing, and having enough staff available to answer all calls in a timely manner.

4. Have Balanced Budgets – By creating an ad-hoc committee to totally review the city budget (all expenditures and revenues), remove all unnecessary expenses, and go after any potential income sources that are not being tapped.

5. Repair Streets and Infrastructure – By starting a systematic plan to repair streets on a prioritized need basis and be proactive on city infrastructure by routine preventative maintenance programs on all city systems.

6. Re-establish Lancaster Council of Neighborhoods

In response to the first question and as published last week, Smithgall responded with the following eight past accomplishments:

1. Clipper Stadium
2. First Friday & Artist District
3. Binn’s Park
4. Convention Center
5. Neighborhood Policing
6. Bus Terminal
7. Police Station
8. Increased acreage of parks.
