Changing the rules of the game – this time pro football


The NFL’s new kickoff rule — the ball is being teed up at the 35 instead of the 30 now — is breeding all sorts of consequences and debates.

“As it was explained to me, what the league and the competition committee were trying to do is eliminate the kickoff returns, which I think they’ll do,” Patriots coach Bill Belichick said Tuesday. “They’ll eliminate a lot of them, particularly early in the season when the weather is less of a factor.”

He also noted it could eliminate a lot of jobs for players who are predominantly special teamers if their workload is drastically reduced…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Why would they want to make the game less interesting?  Can it be as simple as a monopoly exercising pure greed?    The game won’t be the same without kickoff returns.  Perhaps this time the super rich have gone too far and we finally have an issue that both liberals and conservatives can unite behind!
