Central Market Trust Provides Updated Report

Plans are underway to renovate and update Central Market, Lancaster City Council learned Tuesday night. Over $2 million has been raised toward the $7 million project. There was no timeline given as to when construction may begin. The project will include adding chillers to provide a cooler market for stand holders and shoppers.

The planned work also includes upgrades to the market’s electrical and plumbing systems, updated restrooms, and improved security.

Lancaster City Council received the updated report from Valerie Moul, Chair of the Central Market Trust, during their public meeting Tuesday, June 10.

Moul said the Trust is just to 2 years old, and is still developing expertise to handle day-to-day management.

Moul remarked that the publicly-owned market will be promoting a “Buy Fresh, Buy Local” program, set to be launched July 11.

The Trust is still developing committees, protocol, and picking up day-to-day activities. “We still rely on the city for many daily (maintenance) things,” she said.

Michael Ervin, Market Master, was also introduced to the council.
