Casual marijuana use linked to brain changes

USA TODAY: Using marijuana a few times a week is enough to physically alter critical brain structures, according to a new study published Tuesday in The Journal of Neuroscience…

In his study, done in collaboration with researchers at Harvard University, scientists looked at the brains of 20 relatively light marijuana users and 20 people who did not use it at all. All 40 were college students in the Boston area…

The brain continues to develop well into the 20s, and even into the 30s, said Breiter, who is concerned about the long-term impacts of marijuana use on the developing brain… (more)

EDITOR: For decades, the federal government blocked the University of Massachusetts from conducting such research on the grounds that it was illegal to use marijuana. Hopefully follow up studies will be allowed.

Perhaps the use of all drugs is undesirable, including coffee, tea, Pepsi and Coca Cola. They have similar characteristics to marijuana according to a much earlier federally sponsored study.

An important question is whether college students are better or worse off by smoking joints over the weekend rather than binge drinking, the current campus recreation largely ignored by authorities and parents.
