Case for, against Penn State execs


…Responding to charges of lying to a grand jury in the Jerry Sandusky investigation, former Penn State vice president Gary Schultz and former athletic director Tim Curley will try to convince a judge in Harrisburg, Pa., that there was a major difference between what Mike McQueary saw in the shower and what he told them about it…

In more than 300 pages of legal briefs, they suggest that in a meeting 10 days after the incident early in 2001, McQueary gave them the impression that the shower incident was merely “horseplay,” was “not that serious,” and was at worst “inappropriate.” …

In support of his opinion that the episode in the shower was not criminal, Schultz and Farrell will rely on the decision by police and prosecutors in 1998 that a similar incident involving Sandusky was not criminal and would not be prosecuted. The 1998 decision not to prosecute, they say, gave officials a sound basis for concluding that the 2001 incident was not criminal. Like the victims of the McCarthy persecutions, they may be right or wrong, but they are entitled to their beliefs….

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