Capitolwire: Toomey breaks away from McGinty in new Quinnipiac poll.

NEWSLANC EDITOR:  If and when Republican Pat Toomey is re-elected, the responsibility for not gaining this senate seat will rest fully on former Democrat governor Ed Rendell and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York.

They conspired to subvert the people’s choice of Admiral / Congressman Joe Sestak through a last minute campaign filled with lies and the use of millions of dollars from the general election fund in support of Katie McGinty.

They were more interested in power than democracy.  The Democrat Party now will have to pay the price.  And their obstructionism may cost the Democrats control of the U. S. Senate.

From the point of view of Democrats, what a damn shame!


By Kevin Zwick
Staff Reporter

HARRISBURG (Oct. 5) – Democrat Katie McGinty appears to have a problem reaching some in her own party.

A new Quinnipiac University poll shows nearly a quarter of likely Democratic voters aren’t supporting McGinty’s bid to unseat incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, who has jumped to an 8-point lead.

Toomey leads McGinty 50-42 percent, marking the first time Toomey has broken the 50-percent threshold since the primary set the table for this general election. Toomey is running nine points ahead of Republican Donald Trump while McGinty is running three points behind Democrat Hillary Clinton’s 45 percent (in the four-way presidential contest).

Quinnipiac assistant polling director Tim Malloy attributes McGinty’s number to her not making necessary headway with female likely voters or 21 percent of Democrats.

“The Pennsylvania U.S. Senate seat the GOP can ill afford to lose looks a little safer. Some breathing room for incumbent Sen. Pat Toomey as Democrat Katie McGinty sees underwhelming support from women and members of her own party,” Malloy said.

Women are divided 45 percent for Toomey and 44 percent for McGinty. A poll released in early September showed women backing McGinty 53–40 percent. Toomey saw a slight gain in his support among men, 56-40 percent, compared to the early September poll.

McGinty lost support among her own party since the last poll released in early September. McGinty’s support among Democrats is 71 percent, with 21 percent saying they’ll support Toomey. It’s a drop from her 82-13 percent in the last poll.

Toomey is showing stronger support with his party, as Republicans back Toomey 87-9 percent, up four points from last month’s poll. The percentage of Republicans saying they’ll back McGinty ticked up two points to 11 percent.

Toomey also has an edge on independents, 47-43 percent.

The poll, conducted Sept. 27 to Oct. 3, surveyed 535 likely voters and has a margin of error of +/- 4.2 percentage points.


Updated: October 7, 2016 — 5:03 am


  1. We have Ed Rendel to thank if Toomey wins. Sestak should have been the democratic candidate and our next Senator

  2. and, it doesn’t help that Gabby Giffords endorsed Toomey

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