Can Democrats Go Long?

HUFFINGTON POST Column: …It’s a thankless task for Democrats to run and govern as centrists. The policies do not solve large national problems. Voters see only more bureaucracy, and voters give up on politics…

Look at progressive causes that actually won big — LGBT rights, disability rights, equal treatment in the workplace for women. They did not begin by asking for meager incremental gains. They began by making demands far outside the mainstream, and changing the mainstream.

So let’s say what we’re really for, and bring public opinion to it. It may take a decade or two. It may require a genuine progressive to get nominated for president, backed by a mass movement. (more)

EDITOR: Wishful thinking? But the nation would have been so much better off with “Medicare for everyone” than the Affordable Care Act. President Obama accomplished what circumstances allowed and for that we are grateful.

Perhaps the day will yet come when a wave of liberalism will allow the A.C.A. to be scrapped and a single payer system similar to thsoe of other advanced nations put in its place.
