Bloomberg Focuses on Rest (as in Rest [of the cities] of World)

NEW YORK TIMES: Michael R. Bloomberg, determined to parlay his government experience and vast fortune into a kind of global mayoralty, is creating a high-powered consulting group to help him reshape cities around the world long after he leaves office.

The organization, to be called Bloomberg Associates, will act as an urban SWAT team, deployed at the invitation of local governments to solve knotty, long-term challenges, like turning a blighted waterfront into a gleaming public space, or building subway-friendly residential neighborhoods.

In a twist on the traditional business model of consulting, clients will not be charged… (more)

EDITOR: It is hardly likely that Mayor Rick Gray and City Planner Randy Patterson would avail themselves of such services.

They think they know everything when, in fact, they know very little. Their ignorance is impermanable because they refuse to even meet with those who can be of help. Between the two of them, they are in the process of trashing the future of the city.

Where there is no vision there can be no progress.

For more on this, see “CRIZ: The further looting of Lancaster City, County and State” .
