Birth rate now less than 2/3rds replacement rate

Even to NewsLanc which recently has written  “Careful for what you wish when it comes to controlling immigration” and reprinted “The US needs those babies born to illegal moms” , the report by the National Center for Health Statistics that USA birthrate has dropped to 1.35 per family is startling.  

It takes 2.1 children to maintain a constant population (an assumption being that the 0.1 beyond the 2.0 to replace the parents will not live to child bearing age.) 

The financial significance of this is that there will only be two children instead of three to pay into the Social Security retirement fund when future generations retire.

The figure would be even lower if there had not been an influx of Latino population over the past decades, be they legal immigrants or otherwise.

Italy has long been the Western European nation with the lowest rate of birth.  Today’s figures suggest that the USA is in a virtual tie!

As NewsLanc has stated before, this does not mean we favor tearing down the border fences.   But is sobering information that should be factored into a more enlightened (and enforceable) immigration policy.
