Billion dollar Rendell boondoggle?


…[Governor Ed] Rendell defends the projects as economic development and says that bond money, not state General Fund revenue, will pay for the projects. One-third of the money goes to his hometown of Philadelphia…

The projects, when matched dollar-for-dollar with private investment under program requirements, will pump $1.2 billion into the state’s economy, Rendell said. The projects would occur in every region of the state and create thousands of jobs, he said…

“They’re all written very vaguely like that. It just drives you nuts when you try to track someone down and try to figure out where that money is really going to,” Vogel said. “That’s not a way to do business here, in my opinion.”…

“And now the story is breaking that some of the projects the money is supposed to be spent on aren’t even ready to go,” Orie said.

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