Bill Clinton on Executive Orders: Obama on ‘Firm Legal Footing’

NEWSMAX: …”As far as I can tell every president in the modern era has issued some executive orders affecting immigration, so I think it — I imagine he’s on pretty firm legal footing,” Clinton told attendees at an event that honored the centennial of The New Republic magazine on Wednesday, the Associated Press reports…

“Every citizen, I believe, has an obligation in some form or another to build up the positive and reduce the negative forces of our interdependence, because one thing we do know — and it’s the reason I’m, I’ve been so upset about the shape of this immigration debate in America — is, in a world where borders look more like nets than walls, we are interdependent, whether we like it or not,” Clinton said.

Clinton had been critical over a delay on amnesty, noting he thought it played a role in the losses racked up by Democrats in midterm elections because many Hispanic voters may have stayed away from the polls, Politico reported… (more)

There are no borders within the European Union. We suspect in another twenty years, we will be tearing down walls instead of building them higher. There are plenty of reasons to do so now, including the aging of the USA and the need for younger people to help fund Social Security and Medicare.
