Better vet video surveillance operators

The excellent front page articles in the Monday, August 17, 2009 Intelligencer/New Era newspaper regarding the Lancaster Safety Coalition cameras serve to belie the statements made by the coalition management and Mayor Gray too, that the prospective operators of these cameras are subject to effective background screenings. Note this quote directly from Gray’s release last week”

“Some have questioned the qualifications of those persons charged with monitoring Safety Coalition cameras. The LCSC Personnel Policies contain provisions for hiring and training of personnel. Prior to beginning work, background checks and drug testing is required.”

The newspaper reports that a woman with a lengthy criminal background was hired and working for the LCSC until the newspaper informed them of her history. Even the most cursory check, done by anyone sitting at their home computer, would have turned up the information about this woman. Clearly, if there really are provisions for hiring, they are not being followed. And if the LCSC can’t ensure this most simple task is completed properly, there is no way they should even try to suggest that the operators are being monitored effectively.

The LCSC board is stacked with current and former government and law enforcement officials, including the District Attorney himself. Shouldn’t he be outraged that a quasi police organization (just look at the primary source of funding) he helps to govern is hiring convicted criminals?
