Beaver lawmaker questions Pennsylvania’s no-bid website contract

PITTSBSURGH TRIBUNE / AP:  …State Rep. Rob Matzie, D-Beaver, complained about the sole-source contract with a subsidiary of Kansas-based NIC Inc. in a letter to Attorney General Kathleen Kane and Auditor General Eugene DePasquale. ..

Matzie said the 456-page contract appears to give NIC the right to process credit cards for new or existing electronic transactions for up to 10 years, potentially earning NIC hundreds of millions of dollars.

Matzie questioned whether the Corbett administration can legally impose new fees on transactions without legislative approval, and he said nothing in the contract prevents NIC and the Corbett administration from imposing fees on every transaction residents make with state government…  (more)

EDITOR: Here we go again.   Corbett might as well hang out a sign “State for sale to highest political contributor”
