Battle Over Spending Bill Exposes Democratic Rift

NEW YORK TIMES: ….[ Senator Elizabeth Warren ], who entered Congress with a liberal halo of anti-Wall Street credibility, took her most high-profile and tenacious Senate stand last week over a single provision in a $1.1 trillion spending bill, one that would roll back portions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, the financial industry regulatory law.”>Senator Elizabeth Warren ], who entered Congress with a liberal halo of anti-Wall Street credibility, took her most high-profile and tenacious Senate stand last week over a single provision in a $1.1 trillion spending bill, one that would roll back portions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, the financial industry regulatory law.

Taking to the Senate floor, Ms. Warren implored her Democratic colleagues not to support the deal — and in the process threatened the entire bipartisan spending package that would avert a government shutdown. Though the bill narrowly passed the House on Thursday evening and appeared headed for passage in the Senate, Ms. Warren’s relentless fight to defeat it elevated her status as the leader of her party’s liberal base.

Her effort to lead that revolt exposed emerging rifts between the progressive wing and the centrist middle in a Democratic Party struggling to find its footing after losing its majority in the Senate and falling further into the minority in the House in the midterm elections… (more)

EDITOR: Clinton / Warren for 2016? A respectful primary battle would grab headlines and sharpen the Clinton candidacy for the general election.
