Barney Frank Backs Heroin Legalization, Has ‘Never Been Tempted’ To Try It

HUFFINGTON POST: The Massachusetts Democrat is writing a book that will make the case for why the government is and can be a force of good, he told The Huffington Post in an interview. Part of Frank’s case rests on the idea that if Congress could pay for more, important social services it provides would be regarded more favorably by the public.

So where does Washington find the cash? Frank offered two suggestions: “a very substantial reduction in military” and “the end of treating drugs as criminal.”

Frank has made this case before, arguing at various points that marijuana should be legalized. Frank told HuffPost that he isn’t a pot smoker, despite his support for the drug’s legalization. “I can’t inhale,” Frank said. “I have a bad sinus condition.” But his husband does smoke, and Frank himself has tried “pot cookies” which didn’t “have a huge effect on me,” he said… (more)
