Authority to nominate 2009 officers

The following appeared as a “Legal Notice” in the Intelligencer Journal on Dec. 8.

“Notice is hereby given that the Nominating Committee of the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority will convene a Special Nominating Committee Meeting on Thursday, December 11, 2008, at 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of recommending and nominating officers to the full Board for the year 2009. The meeting will be held in City Council Chambers, Southern Market, corner of South Queen and Vine Streets, City of Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.”

Last year, the meeting was a travesty due to member and former Authority chair Ted Darcus’ incorrectly insisting that the nominating committee chair was not permitted to nominate or second the nomination of candidates. Nothing in the Authority’s By Laws or “Robert’s Rules of Order” supported his contention, but the result was only Art Morris was the sole nominee for chair. The candidates for the other officers also were unopposed.

Whether Darcus did it on his own out of ignorance or was the ‘cats paw’ of powerful interests that wanted Morris at the helm (despite his being part of the minority City representatives) is a matter for speculation.

Nevertheless, it is likely that Morris would have been elected by the full board even if opposed. NewsLanc has often praised his leadership.
