Authority Board Upheaval: Forward to the Past

According to the Jan. 22 New Era, “The three commissioners — Republicans Dennis Stuckey and Scott Martin and Democrat Craig Lehman — agreed they will be looking for a consensus-builder to replace [resigned Authority Board member Thomas] LeCrone.

Simultaneously Mayor Rick Gray announced the re-appointment of former Authority chair Ted Darcus and Julianne Dickson, like Darcus also a former City Council president. Dickson will replace Joseph Morales.

Confirmation of the appointments is anticipated by City Council at their 7:30 p.m. meeting this evening at the Southern Market Center.

“We’re not looking for anyone who would be divisive in any manor (sic),” Martin said.

The New Era went on to report: “The days of sniping are over and the days of cooperation have begun,” [Mayor Rick] Gray said of his relationship with the new commissioners. “We’re going to talk about this for the good of all citizens of Lancaster County.”

Perhaps an Authority with board members who will once again unquestioningly go along with what is handed down from the chair and executive director? In short: stooges for Penn Square Partners?

If so, forward to the past. How very sad!
