Attorney general’s report appears to clear Corbett in Sandusky case

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE: Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s long-awaited review of the prosecution of child molester Jerry Sandusky suggests her predecessor, Republican Gov. Tom Corbett, did not act quickly enough to search Sandusky’s home, which may have helped lengthen the probe, sources tell the Tribune-Review.

Agents did not search Sandusky’s home until June 2011, even though the investigation began in March 2009, according to a “factual timeline” in the report on the 33-month investigation…

But the report appears to hand Corbett this key conclusion: It says Kane’s investigators did not find evidence that he delayed the case for political reasons, sources said… (more)

EDITOR: This does not excuse his despicable deflection of attention from his neglect by scapegoating Joe Paterno. Nor does it excuse his leadership role in arranging the NCAA outrageous penalties imposed on Penn State University and its football program.
