Attorney General Kane stays mum on details uncovered in review of Sandusky investigation

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: Attorney General Kathleen Kane said she is pleased with the pace of her special deputy attorney general H. Geoffrey Moulton’s review of the circumstances surrounding the Jerry Sandusky investigation.

In an appearance today at the Pennsylvania Press Club luncheon, Kane acknowledged his review of her predecessors’ handling of that case is progressing but declined to offer a date certain when it would be complete.

Kane said she is pleased with the cooperation her office is receiving as it goes about fulfilling the promise she made on the campaign trail last year. She pledged to look into the Office of Attorney General’s decision-making, pacing and case management regarding the Sandusky child sex abuse investigation… (more)

Bill Keisling: “She said the subpoena powers that her office holds in this internal investigation of the Sandusky case are limited. She said they could only be used if it has probable cause for a search warrant or to obtain records or documents.”

This is why we need to re-enact an Independent Crime Commission with full subpoena powers.


1 Comment

  1. And so it goes with witch hunts. Perhaps Geoff Moulton will tell us how 72 people could be killed by the government at Waco, TX and no one is held responsible. He did that investigation too.

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