Aspirin Cuts Death Rates From Range of Cancers, Researchers Say


Aspirin, a century-old medicine known to relieve pain and prevent blood clots, also reduces the risk of death from a variety of cancers, researchers said.

Taking 75 milligrams of aspirin a day for more than five years cut deaths from cancer by 20 percent, according to the study published in The Lancet medical journal today. The researchers found the pill was associated with a reduced risk of death from esophageal, colorectal, lung and prostate cancers.

The findings, based on data from eight trials involving 25,570 patients, expand on previous studies that found aspirin lowered the risk of colon cancer. More studies are needed before aspirin, which can increase the risk of internal bleeding, should be recommended for cancer prevention, said the researchers, led by Peter Rothwell, professor of clinical neurology at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, England…

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