As North Carolina academic scandal deepens, all eyes on Mark Emmert


…From 2007-2011, an internal review at UNC revealed 54 no-show classes in the Department of African and Afro American Studies where student-athletes were given grades for fake classes. The university says two department heads were responsible for the academic fraud, but the News & Observer says evidence suggests athletes were steered to classes by academic counselors assigned to the athletic department.

Think about that: the athletic department and a department of academics conspiring to keep students eligible so they can play games. This isn’t high school, everyone. This is one of the most respected academic institutions in the world cheating to keep athletes eligible.

So while Mr. Big Stick [Mark Emmert ] thumped his chest about Penn State—before and after delivering the sanctions—we haven’t heard squat from him about what will become the worst infractions case in the history of college sports. And that was before the latest mind-numbing details released Monday by the News & Observer: the gross case of academic fraud could go back a decade—and include North Carolina’s legendary men’s basketball program…

Click here to read the full article.

WATCHDOG: The hypocrisy is incredible.  It boggles the mind how the NCAA inserted itself into a matter at Penn State that had nothing to do with athletic competition.   How long will it take for the various universities that make up the NCAA to recognize that they are creating a monster?

We try to figure out how things came to this point.  It all goes back to Gov. Tom Corbett and his pushing the Penn State Trustees to fire Joe Paterno, diverting attention from Corbetts’ failure as Pennsylvania’s attorney general to properly prosecute Jerry Sandusky while Corbett pocketed  $641,481.21 in  campaign contributions from former and then current board members at Sandusky’s Second Mile Foundation .

But by burning a national hero at the stake, the effect was to draw the nation’s attention and  greatly magnify the lapses on the part of the Penn State administration that took place a decade earlier.

We see three villains.   Sandusky, Corbett and Emmert.  Sandusky was convicted of raping boys, despicable actions resulting from perversion;  Corbett and Emmert’ raped’ Penn State, apparently  to further their careers.

How long will it take for the Penn State alumni to open their eyes and protest en masse?



  1. Corbett purposefully dragged his feet investigating Sandusky because he wanted to keep his campaign money flowing and of course he could not run for governor as “the guy who took down Penn State”. He devoted infinitely more resources from his AG office to attacking his political opponents in an ethics scandal. Certainly that’s an important thing to investigate, but I doubt any law enforcement official would place that as a higher priority than getting a child molester off the streets…except if your name is Tom Corbett.

    Watchdog, we PSU alums are angry as hell at Emmert and his tyrannical abuse of power. Unfortunately, every whisper of disagreement or protest about his egregious sanctions are met by the national media and pitchfork-toting public with “they still don’t get it” or “football is still more important than children getting raped”

  2. Mr. Watchdog, As I understand it, it is the county prosecutor who is responsible to prosecute Mr. Sandusky, not Mr. Corbett. If you have proof Mr. Corbett ordered a delayed prosecution to line his pockets bring it forward. Firing Mr. Paterno was very sad but probably necessary to clean house, and of course what the NCAA did was despicable. Before I am willing to join your argument about Mr. Corbett I need causal connection, not mere correlation.

    EDITOR: Please visit “Tom didn’t want to do it” but Narcotics Agent nabs Sandusky

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