Arlen Specter: Romneycare a Blueprint for Obamacare


Former Sen. Arlen Specter, who played a key role in passage of President Obama’s healthcare reform legislation, confirms to NewsmaxTV that the Senate considered Gov. Mitt Romney’s healthcare reform in Massachusetts as “solid precedent” for Obamacare.

The Pennsylvania Republican-turned-Democrat also says that based on Rick Santorum’s policies, voters have a firm basis to reject his presidential candidacy.

He charges that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid “double-crossed” him after promising that he could retain his seniority when he became a Democrat, and asserts that extremism on both sides in Washington has led to gridlock that places the American people “in great peril.”

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: The report merits being read in full due to the breadth and importance of Specter’s comments.   This is the strong, reasoned voice that Specter muted during the pivotal first term of the  George W.  Bush administration in order to achieve re-election, thus forfeiting his opportunity to be remembered as  more than just a record five term  U. S. Senator from Pennsylvania.


1 Comment

  1. Specter will be best remembered as an aging politician who put personal ego above constituents. A whining turncoat, who should not be given an audience.

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