Are government provocateurs infiltrating OWS?

You mentioned the Oakland protest the other day and the closing of the port.  I understand there was some violence at the port.  My guess is this was a provocateur.  The Oakland police chief is on tape ordering his police to infiltrate (“to get protesters to do what we want”) and there is video of Oakland police pretending to be occupiers. See the below:

Watch for Provocateurs

By Kevin Zeese- Posted on 05 November 2011

Recently there was violence at an Occupy Oakland protest. There is no video of the instigators, but the Oakland police chief has ordered his officers to infiltrate so people should not assume it was the occupiers.

In Washington, DC we had two provocateurs who escalated a non-violent protest so that people were pepper-sprayed. These were right wing political activists. One provocateur admitted he had infiltrated for that purpose in an article he wrote in the American Observer. The other was identified a few days later when he was instigating some of the Freedom Plaza occupiers to resist the police. He was asked to leave when we learned of his efforts to incite others to violence who goes by the name Michael Stack. A few days later we learned from another occupation that he was someone trained and paid to infiltrate and provoke violence by a right wing organization, the Leadership Institute.



1 Comment

  1. That’s Mike ——- spitting on the museum guards.

    Mike distracted the guards while Patrick ——– ran around the metal detector and went into the main display area.

    That’s how they force the Museum to shut down for the day. Getting the protesters pepper sprayed was a bonus.

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