Approval rating for Kathleen Kane at a dismal 26 percent

LEHIGH VALLEY MORNING CALL: …A new Morning Call/Muhlenberg College survey — the first independent poll to sound out voters’ views on the Democrat and her tumultuous term — included four questions on Kane.

“Given the type of year that she’s had, these numbers are probably not as bad as one might expect,” said Chris Borick, pollster and political scientist at Muhlenberg. “A very large portion of Pennsylvanians simply haven’t been following her performance in office enough to really weigh in.”

One in four Pennsylvanians surveyed said they approve of Kane’s job performance, with 33 percent who disapprove and 41 percent responding that they have no opinion… (more)

EDITOR: A lot of smoke but so far no evidence of fire.


1 Comment

  1. This is a state that also elected Corbett as governor. What does her popularity currently mean anyway? She found all of Corbett’s buddies porno stashes and like good defensive hypocrites instead of taking their comeuppance they decided to go after her and since the judicial system in PA is the laughing stock of the country, known as a bought and sold judiciary .

    What does their ability to attack her with a grand jury mean? She should offer a deal, she’ll resign if all of Corbett’s cronies like Fina come clean about their porno stashes.

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