Applications for Property Tax Relief Under Homestead and Farmstead Exceptions Due by March 1

You may qualify for property tax relief under what are called the “Homestead” or “Farmstead” exclusions.

If you own your home and your primary residence is in the State of Pennsylvania, you may qualify for the “Homestead Exception.”

If you claim as your primary residence a dwelling on a farm of “at least ten contiguous acres in area,” you may qualify for property tax relief under the “Farmstead Exclusion.”

Under the provisions, collectively called the Pennsylvania Taxpayer Relief Act of 2006, these exceptions would go into effect if your local school district decides to increase the earned income tax by 0.1%. The goal is to offset the additional revenue by targeting property tax relief to farmers and homeowners in the state.

The required form can be downloaded from the County website here:

The form should then be mailed to: Lancaster County Board Of Assessment Appeals, 50 North Duke Street, PO Box 83480, Lancaster, PA 17608

The deadline to file is March 1.
