AOL: Politics Today

“Arlen Specter Loses Pa. Senate Race: No Escape for a Political Houdini” goes on to say  “…Specter reinforced his new Democratic credentials by voting 96 percent of the time with President Obama, by Congressional Quarterly’s calculations. Specter was next most loyal to George W. Bush, voting with him 85 percent to 89 percent of the time from 2001 to 2005.”

WATCHDOG: The above just about says it all.   The Old Hound was told when Sestak first ran for Congress from Montgomery County that the admiral was a man of presidential calibre.  Time and chance will tell.



  1. Retirement was the right option for Specter. Hanging on by whatever means necessary did not play well.

    Specter’s loss may have saved the senate seat for the Dems. Sestak at least has a chance of winning in the fall.

    If he does, then his future could be quite interesting! When was the last Pennsylvanian to win the presidency? The next may be in 2016.

    But, he will have lots of time to screw up between now and then as well!

  2. Sestak represents more of Delaware County than Montgomery County, but parts of both.

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