Article headedNew York Governor Debate: The Circus Is in Town (and ‘the Rent Is Too Damn High’)” reports:

“The circus came to town Monday night, a seven-ring affair that featured candidates for New York governor. Though voters may have expected a spirited exchange between the two frontrunners, Andrew Cuomo and Carl Paladino, what they’ll likely remember are the self-described madam who provided escorts to Eliot Spitzer, the former Black Panther and, most of all, the ‘Rent Is Too Damn High’ Party candidate.

“Sporting a Hulk Hogan beard and wearing black gloves throughout the debate held at Hofstra University, the ‘rent guy’ was Jim McMillan, a Vietnam vet and karate teacher who made his campaign platform loud and clear by shouting ‘The rent is too damn high!’ nine times during the debate. He could well be counted as the winner of the debate — if you measure it by the reality show contract he could well be offered on the grounds that he is a walking entertainment center, a mash-up between Samuel L. Jackson’s character in ‘Pulp Fiction’ and Hogan in his wrestling heyday.”

WATCHDOG: This may be perceived as high jinks, but what makes it so funny is it is based upon a strong feeling in this country of frustration with both political parties  (the Republics poll worse than the Democrats).   Perhaps the time has come for “The Rent Is Too Damn High” party or another.   A wag of the tail.
